Maian Stripe Changelog ( [+] Added [*] Updated/Removed [-] Bug Fix/Security Advisory Version 1.4 (18 Mar 2022): ----------------------------------- [+] Added official support for PHP8.0 & 8.1 [+] Added filter groups, useful for one click search filters for brands / features etc. [+] Added support for Facebook open graph app ID [+] Added billing address to checkout screen. This is optional. Billing address is always visible in admin CP for convenience. [+] Added product, page and category meta keywords and descriptions. Optional. [+] Added support for Facebook Comments ( comments system. [+] Added support for IntenseDebate ( comments system. [+] Added support for Hyvor Talk ( comments system. [+] Added support for Commento ( comments system. [+] Added http/https protocol option for base path and social links to prevent mod_security issues [+] Added official support for PHP7.4* [+] Added more controls to admin WYSIWYG editor including easy copy/paste media option. [*] Stripe callback API updated to latest version (2020-08-27) [*] Updated Mobile Detection Class (2.8.39) [*] Twitter and Facebook sharing meta tags now display main product image, not default image. [*] Updated tcpdf library (6.3.2) [*] Updated Codebird Twitter library (4.0) [*] Import, export and download routines now use the system temporary folder. This is auto cleared by the garbage collector and is used for better performance. [*] Security enhancement. Backup folder path must explicitly be set in admin CP now for security. [*] Update trumbowyg jquery plugin (2.25.1) [*] Improvements to addThis social plugin integration. Plugin code may need updating, see docs. [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API library (7.116.0) [*] Improvements to product imports in admin CP. Removed LOAD DATA INFILE. [*] Updated Bootstrap library (3.4.1) [*] Updated upgrade routines to auto switch system off during upgrade. [*] Basic captcha can now optionally create text from a pre-defined word list [*] Added Nette Tracy PHP debugging system for better error reporting and exception handling (2.9.1) [*] Documentation updated. 404 links removed or updated and typos fixed. [*] Updated jQuery javascript library (3.6.0) [*] Security enhancements and layout alterations [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.6.0) [*] Zone tax rate now supports decimal values. [*] Removed Google+ meta tags due to closure of social network [-] Fixed bug that caused wrong product to load on some servers if the product slug contained numbers that related to another product ID [-] Fixed Stripe callback issues related to later API versions [-] Fixed issue where first product buy option could not be cleared, only updated, which in rare cases could confuse product downloads. [-] Fixed loading of UK states which were not in alphabetical order [-] Fixed invalid numeric value for auto sales calculation on admin sale edit screen when new product was added with no cost value [-] Fixed air date picker javascript error for dates that began in January due to invalid 0 value [-] Fixed bug with admin pages where deleting a page could result in the admin menu not appearing correctly [-] Fixed bug with admin graph where years disappeared from drop downs when filtered [-] Fixed issue where meta description & keywords were reversed and shown in the wrong meta values [-] Updated TCPDF plugin to support PHP7.4/8.* Version 1.3 (07 Nov 2019): ----------------------------------- [+] Added download lookup option on product add screen instead of drop down, which was too slow to load if the store had many downloads [+] Added support for Maian Affiliate for product commissions. Requires Maian Affiliate installation. [+] Added option to enable/disable PDF invoice option on buyer order confirmation/downloads screen. [+] Added terms and conditions option to checkout. Optional, can be disabled in settings. [+] Added option to print individual PDFs from the sale edit screen. No need to search sales now. [+] Added basic captcha for contact form as alternative to CleanTalk. [+] Added price display to store frontend for any products listed in the right menu. Recent, Popular etc [+] Added price display to store frontend for any latest products listed in the footer. [+] Added contact form auto responder. Can be disabled in settings. [+] Added support for the PHP mail function. Useful if your host blocks SMTP connections. [+] Added option to disable sale notification emails to buyers. Some people asked for this, so here it is. :) [+] Added option to bypass security certificates for SSL/TLS. Not recommended, but can be useful if you have mail issues. [+] Added option to admin sales search screen to search orders by invoice number [+] Admin menu sections can now be sorted and links can be hidden if you prefer the menu options differently [+] Added option to add custom admin pages. Useful if you need to load other client data on admin pages. [*] Fixed broken links in documentation and updated some software urls [*] Admin dashboard graph now has year selectors for you to choose years for comparisons. [*] Improvements to Wysiwyg editor view on small devices [*] Updated jQuery library to latest stable release (3.4.1) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.1.1) [*] Minimum PHP version required to run Maian Stripe is now 5.6 or higher [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API library (7.7.1) [-] Fixed TCPDF plugin issue that caused PDFs to fail for builds on PHP7.2 or higher [-] Fixed bug with category links not showing on frontend product page Version 1.2 (08 Jul 2019): ----------------------------------- [*] Updated docs for callback endpoint secret, which is now required as all operations are handled by the Stripe callback system [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API (6.40.0) to support SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.0.7) [-] Fixed TCPDF plugin issue that caused PDFs to fail for builds on PHP7.2 or higher Version 1.1 (24 Nov 2018): ----------------------------------- [+] Added Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales counties to UK counties list [+] Added better error handling for Stripe gateway via try/catch block [+] Added mask/unmask toggle to gateway parameters. Can be enabled/disabled if desired. See docs. [*] Updated Stripe API library (6.22.1) [-] Fixed bug with category links not showing on frontend product page [-] Fixed bug that prevented custom callback file from triggering Version 1.0 (22 Jan 2018): ----------------------------------- [+] Initial Version Release